Ethical Guidelines

Journal of Economic and Social Studies (JECOSS) is a member of, and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)

Journal of Economic and Social Studies aspires to select and publish the highest quality research in Economics and related fields. Therefore in order to achieve this aim ethical behavior is required from Authors, Editors and Reviewers who together can boost the reputation of JECOSS. Thus, JECOSS’s ethical guidelines are developed to ensure fair and ethical treatment of all participants in peer review and publication process.

JECOSS Authors, Editors and Reviewers are encouraged to study these guidelines and for any questions please address:

Šejla Sarač - Publication Officer Coordinator

[email protected]

Elvisa Buljubašić Mušanović - Editorial Assistant

[email protected]


Overall Publication Guidelines and Publication Malpractice Statement

Journal of Economic and Social Studies (JECOSS) is journal that requires no financial costs from authors when publishing a manuscript. However it seeks to publish highly qualitative scholarly articles wich satisfies JECOSS' ethical and writing guidelines. Related to that plagiarism and fraudulent data are highly forbidden and any case of malpractice well be treated with cease of any further cooperation between Authors and Editors of the Journal. However Journal reserves the right to handle each issue of malpractive on case-by-case basis.


Ethical guidelines for AUTHORS

When submitting manuscript to JECOSS author must take care that the work is original. Author/s is/are not allowed to submit the same article to two places for publication at the same time while the manuscript is under review at JECOSS. Further more the manuscript must not have been previously published or accepted for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part, regardless whether it is published in English or another language.

Authors are obligated to cite and reference all ideas and work they are using from other authors as well as own ideas published elsewhere. Even though self-citation is encouraged, authors should avoid excessively citing their earlier works in order to inflate their citation count. Authors should also avoid self-citation that might violate the double-blind review process i.e. that might indicate their identity during the review process. JECOSS follows a double-blind review process, whereby authors do not know reviewers and vice versa wherefore the manuscript should not include any self-revealing information that would identify the author to a reviewer.

All work in the manuscript should be free of any plagiarism, falsification, fabrications, or omission of significant material. JECOSS reserves the rights to handle issues of plagiarism on case-by -case basis.

Author/s are obligated to fill and sign by hand copyright form which Journal Editors will provide in correpondance.

As a part of Authors obligation we are naming the participation in peer review process in terms of actively and in timely manner implementing suggestions, corrections and advices of the reviewers into their manuscript.


Ethical Guidelines for REVIEWERS

Reviewing for journal is highly appreciated professional work and as such should be encouraged. JECOSS is peer-reviewed journal and it is expected from reviewers to positively answer on invitation for review.

However refusals on review are occurring from time to time. If a reviewer recognizes that topic in manuscript is not related to his scholarly background he/she is obligated to inform the editor about that where the editor is beholden to find more related reviewer with the scientific topic in the manuscript. Furthermore if a reviewer due to his future obligation is not able to review the manuscript in a detailed, objective and timely manner, he/she is obligated to inform editor to assign reviewing task to another reviewer.

JECOSS is following the double-blind review process. If in any case reviewer knows the identity of an author or co-author it immediately sets the ground for refusal. Consequently reviewers should avoid writing their comments in a manner that would reveal identity of a reviewer to an author. Furthermore reviewers are obligated to explain and support their judgments so that editors and authors may understand the basis of their comments.

Reviewers are obligated to be objective in their judgments, to write detailed explanations and suggestions in their reports and to keep articles that they reviewed in confidentality. Reviewers should point out mistakes such as unreferenced parts, mismatch of models, figures, ideas or any other aspect that if corrected will add to the value of the manuscript.


Ethical guidelines for EDITORS

At JECOSS responsibility for accepting or rejecting the manuscript rests with the editors. In order to finalize their decision normally editors are doing that with advice of reviewers however manuscript that editor considers to be completely inappropriate may be rejected without consulting reviewers.

Editors should perform their privileged work in a confidential, prompt and efficient manner. Editors should judge manuscript only on their scholarly merits. Editors and editorial stuff should keep all the information about manuscript in confidentiality and not reveal to anyone besides. Editor and editorial stuff are obligated to find reviewers whose scientific/academic background match with the main idea of manuscript in order to have relevant comments on the latter. Editors and reviewers are obligated to follow principle of double-blind review respectively. Editors are responsible to provide the author with an explanation of the editorial decision on a manuscript. Editors should write high-quality editorial letters that integrate reviewer comments and offer additional suggestions to the author. Editors are obligated to preserve anonymity of reviewers.



The JECOSS ethical guide was developed by editorial assistants. The guide was developed by relying on the following online sources:

Journal of International Business Studies. Code of Ethics of Journal of International Business Studies. Accessed March 13, 2014.

Oxford Journals. Instruction to authors of Oxford Journals. Accessed March 13, 2014.

Cambridge Journal of Economics. Instruction to authors of Cambridge Journal of Economics. Accessed March 13, 2014.

Elsevier. Elsevier publishing ethics. Accessed March 13, 2014.

Committee on Publication Ethics. Guidelines of Committee on Publication Ethics. Accessed March 13, 2014.

Royal Society of Chemistry. Ethical guidelines of Royal Society of Chemistry. Accessed March 13, 2014.